Merry Christmas! I know it is a wee bit late... but it doesnt matter cause in Hong Kong everything is still Christmas. From the decorations to the songs in church to people still saying Singdaan faailohk in the streets. It is still Christmas. So that is cool.
The week has been great! I loved talking with all of you, it was the best thing ever. It is funny how far away you all are and yet so close at the same time. Everyone still sounds about the same. I am glad. I feel like the only thing that I really miss out on is playing with Luna. But she is going to be even funner when I get there. I know it. I will be home before anyone even knows it. But I am loving being a missionary. It is really the best thing EVER. No joke. I wish it could be a full time job, not just a volunteer thing. I would take that job in a heart beat. But I think that alot of people would.
After I talked with you we went out to our stake Christmas activity and set up a workshop. All the zone missionaries were supposed to come to the activity and be doing different things. The days before we had called loads of our LAs and potential investigators to try and get them to come. We were blessed to have a LA come and bring her 4month old son and her nonmember husband! We got to teach them during dinner and find out that her husband actually has alotalot of questions. We have just been so blessed lately. We have so many potential families! We are really trying to meet with and teach families, cause we want them to be able to get to the temple. It is just that Hong Kong people love to get busy and stay busy, so we are having to exercise patients and wait for them to have some time.
But Isis and Mandy are doing fantastic!!! Mandy has now been to church 3 times and is getting more and more involved with the ward. She came to the ward travel/bbq and brought her daughter and sisters family. She wants her little sister to go to church too.:) We havent had a chance to give Mandy her baptismal date yet, since we havent been able to have a real lesson for a while. But she will get one soon. Dont worry. She also came to the other wards baptism, where the person getting baptized had to be dunked 5 times to make it acceptable. hahaha! His little legs just kept popping up like leafs. Isis on the other hand is 22 and is just awesome. We met her a couple weeks ago and this last Friday taught her the Plan of Salvation and gave her a baptismal date for March 16th. She really wants to know if these things are true and is willing to read and find out for herself. I know she will quickly find an answer to her prayers.
I dont really know what to write about today... sorry. I keep getting distracted by the man in front of me watching bad 70's Chinese music videos. But you can read Sister Palmers blog. :) She is studying journalism, so it must be good. I think the Lord is looking out for me, since my last 2 companions have had blogs and have fantastic writing skills. The Lord must love me. He must love all of you as well. :)