Monday, October 28, 2013


Sorry I never get creative with the titles of these letters.... maybe someday....
well another week has come and gone! Holy crap. It goes by so fast. I cant believe it is practically November. I have to start saying now that I have been in Hong Kong for seven months. Well thats poopy. The longer I am here, the more people expect of my language. Seven months is along time. Blast. But some days my language is better than others.
We had one investigator that we had met last week say when we called her that we should just have our member call her cause she doesnt want to deal with our awful Cantonese. So that kinda made us feel crappy. But it is cool... she said she didnt want to meet with us again or learn more anyway. She is just not quite ready. One day she will get it. :)
But alot of other people are still really nice to us about our Cantonese. Alot of people ask if we were born in Hong Kong, and then they find out how long we have been here and they are blown away. That is always kinda fun.
But this week has been great! Every week there is so much stuff that happens I feel like I have to choose very wisely what to share with everyone....
On Wednesday we were out finding for a really long time. We had decided that morning that we should go to this one park down in Tai Kok Tsui. Usually parks here are hit or miss. Sometimes they are chalk full of moms and children and other times it is just full of a bunch of grandma's and grandpas. But we got to the park and there was NO one there. there were a few yehyeh's (grandpas) doing exercises... but thats it. I was really frustrated cause we hadnt had any success the entire day. I sat down and turn to Sister Wilcox and said... well, what do we do now? She said that we should stay in the park for a bit longer. So we stayed there and talked to anyone that was passing through the park. Soon we only had 15 min left before we needed to head to the chapel. We were talking to this mom whose kids were playing on the playground, and I see someone behind her that looks familiar. It looked like someone that Sister Choi and I had taught 2 or 3 months ago, but whose phone broke so we lost contact with her and she fell of the face of the earth. So I ran over to her and stared into her little Asian face and said "Leih Jimuih?" sister lee? and she started smiling and told us that her phone is still broken. She was there with her 4 year old daughter and husband. So we got to meet her entire family! We didnt have much more time to talk, and she was busy playing with her daughter, but we got her husbands number and scheduled her for Saturday. :)
Saturday we met her in the same park. Her daughter came too, but was just crying the entire time cause she didnt want to leave the TV at home. So sister wilcox played with her on the playground while I talked with Leih Jimuih. Apparently she doesnt have much interest to learn more cause every time she tries to learn something it puts her to sleep. But she wants her daughter to go to church and learn about Jesus christ.
So they ended up coming to church on Sunday... it was kinda crazy. Leih Jimuih tried to leave her daughter with us and leave for most of church. During sacrament meeting it was the primary program so I ran outside to try and find Leih jimuih only to find her across the street looking at the temple. So we yelled at her to get back over to the church so she could watch her daughter sing. She loved it. The entire time she was just giving Si sa (her daughter) thumbs up and waving to her.
You know... even though she doesnt really want us to teach her, and she said she only wants to see us on Sundays.... I still think it is a fantastic start. Soon she will learn that she needs to be an example for her daughter, and one day she will love learning about Christ. :)
Also! Saturday night Yip Jimuih finally answered her phone!!!! We pretty much scream of excitement. We were right... she was in mainland. Apparently her father in law has died so now her and her husband need to take his body up to his hometown, which is like in Northern China... so they will be gone for another two weeks or so. We were really sad. She was really sad as well. She has alot of challenges to overcome right now. Hopefully she can work everything out soon so that she can have a bit more stability and time in her life.
Her son King is still happy has ever. Apparently saturday he had to write 3 sorry notes for things he did at school. Gam chahm. He is a good kid. :) Just has alot of energy.
So things are still fantastic! Still loving Cheung Sha Wan. I wouldnt mind staying here for the rest of my mission. :)
I love you all and miss you!
                               Finding with Tin Ngoi!

 Toby (an LA) invited us over to her house for her birthday dinner!!! her husband bought her a bundle of like 6 dozen roses.

So this is the crazy lady in our ward that is obsessed with obama and white people. everytime we see her she gets out her camera and tries to take pictures with us and then the next sunday she has all of them printed out ready to give to us. she always talks to us to... but I have no idea what she says cause she speaks mostly in manderin. but this photo is fantastic. that man in the back is our mission coordinator, the girl in the back with a sassy face is Jacquline and I hope that you notice half of Elder Allens face on the left side of the camera. I dont know if this is a very good picture, cause it is a picture of a picture. when I get home I will have to show you the really life picture. It is hillarious.

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