Monday, November 25, 2013


Holy Cow what a wonderful week it has been! SOOOO many miracles! You know how last month was pretty hard since we hadnt had like any investigators and we were feeling like poopy missionaries? Well if you didnt know... thats how we felt somedays... but this week and last week have been amazing!!!! All of the blessing from working so hard are finally starting to come in!
Last night was our wards Thanksgiving party. Hong Kong doesnt normally celebrate it, but it is a good excuse for our ward to have a party so two Sisters said they would make turkey and everyone else brought other random food. Sister Wilcox and I invited everyone and their dog to come to the party or to invite their friends and family to come... and they did. We ended up having 8 REAL investigators at the party, not even including members friends or family. We were running around like our heads were chopped off for most of the time. Running back and forth between Sister Chan and her 2 daughters, to Winnie, to Vicky, to Sister Jeung to just everyone! Luckily we didnt have to worry to much about Sister Jeung cause Carol has been taking really good care of her and Hoi Yee, her daughter. It was Vicky's first time to the chapel and meeting any members, plus, she is just hard core Catholic so that was kinda stressful but it was cool. Then Sister Chan's daughters.... oh i love them... but I hate them. They can either be little angels or little devils. Throughout the entire movie, oh yeah, we watched The Testaments after everyone ate food, Ying Ying (2 yrs old) kept running around the entire chapel which wouldnt have been so bad if she would have stopped when people went up to bear their testimonies, but she didnt of course. Just kept making a big circle all the way around onto the stage. Sister Chan of course did nothing. Then her other daughter Chingching (10 yrs old) was crawling under the benches. CRAWLING under the benches! She is 10!!! I poked her and said "Waih, Leih geido seui?" (Hey, how old are you?) 10 she replies "gan jyuh chah." (then SIT.) of course she just blew me off. Our coordinator was giving me the eye to do something about it... but i had no idea what to do. It would be SO easy if I could just grab Yingying and make her sit on my lap or something. But for some reason we have this rule where we cant play with kids which includes holding them in our laps. Normally I am pretty good at staying calm when kids are loud during sacrament meeting, but last nights activity was SO good. and kids were screaming while Jesus was healing Jacob. Gam cham.
But the activity was super great! Loads of people and they all really really liked it.
I wish you could all hear and see the weird/funny things that happen every day. but really. Things like listening to Steven Lauh's prayers that he insists saying in English even though we are the only ones who understands. I don't even know if they really count has prayers since he never starts with "Heavenly Father..." He just walks up to the front bows his head and says "good morning brothers and sisters, I am so grateful that we could be gathered here together in the lovely chapel to worship our God." and goes of in something that sounds like Shakespeare. or hearing someone mistake our investigator Fantasy's name for Fantastic, or seeing the old grandmas going their dancing exercises.
Just SO many things.
Ma/ Pa are you planning on coming to Hong Kong to pick me up? I sure hope so cause their is SO much I want to show you.
I could not be more happy! Sister Wilcox and I agree that we are far to happy right now, which means that when transfers come... one of us is leaving. BUT we have faith! Companions forever la! Cheung Sha Wan is the greatest place to be! I would love to stay here for the rest of my mission.
Love you lots!
Eats lots of turkey dinner!
I will. dont worry. I have already had 2 thanksgiving dinners and still have one with the missionaries on Thursday. After this we are going to go help sister pearl make some apple pies. :)
                                          Sister Chan

                                                      Chingching and yingying

                                                            Just one section of the party

                                         Vicky, me, Winnie

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