This week has been C R A Z Y CRAZY! Our investigators are still doing great... we didnt get to see them as often as we wanted, but nothing to big has happened. But this week as still been crazy!
Last Monday night we had a miracle. Remember that former investigator Flora that Sister Wilcox was so persistent about finding? Well.... we found her. We thought we had just scheduled a different less active named Sister Wong. There are just so many sister Wongs that we got all confused... but then it ended up being Flora's mom and we were able to teach both Flora and her mom together! They are both so nice!
Tuesday was a day of finding. We got to teach Winnie and we think we had a bit of a breakthrough with her. She said at one point that even when we go back to America that she will continue going to church.:) So that was exciting...
Wednesday we had a freaking awesome meeting. So.... since we got called has Sister Trainer Leaders of the Kowloon West Zone, we got to go to the Missionary Leadership Council on Wednesday. It is a meeting where all the zone leaders, sister trainer leaders, APs, and President Hawks gather around together and discuss the goals and actions for each zone. The meeting was SUPER good.
Thursday was kinda a not very fun day. We had 3 people cancel right as we were heading out to their lessons... so we ended up just doing our weekly planning all day. In the evening we taught the best Restoration lesson that Sister Wilcox and I have ever taught, but our SUPER catholic investigator said flat out in English, No. to taking the book of Mormon. She said that she felt like she would betray her church if she took it. But we ended up getting her to say that she would pray about Joseph Smith. We were happy with that. The spirit was really strong in the lesson and I know that God will answer her prayer.
Friday we had Zone Training where we got to split up with the sisters in our zone and talk about the Mission leadership council meeting. We have awesome sisters in our Zone. They are SO wise. They are going to teach me so much. In the evening we did FHE at Carol's house again with Sister Jeung. This week we did a cool object lesson to explain baptism and the holy ghost. The kids all loved it. I will tell you more about it another time...
This week was just great! I cant believe how fast time is going.... before I know it I am going to be headed home. Gross. The bishops son just got back from his mission this week so he gave a talk on Sunday. He pulled out his name tag at one point and started crying. Sister Wilcox and I were balling as well. I dont ever want to think about removing this tag. It means the world to me.
I think that I have hit a changing point in my mission. This last week something just kinda clicked. There are so many things that I have been doing with only half of my heart. I have learned what true obedience means. I have learned what a big part the Atonement must be in a missionaries life. I couldnt believe that I was JUST barely figuring things out. You would think that after being a missionary for almost a year that I would have things kinda figured out. not. There is SO much I still need to learn. It is kinda overwhelming sometimes, but luckily I am not doing this alone. He is with me.
I love you all!
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