Monday, November 11, 2013

2 investigators at church?

Another week has passed.... ha! not really... only 3 days. Time is still super weird. Not to much exciting has happened the last couple of days. Here were a few of the highlights...
Friday we had a fantastic Zone Training. Sister Wilcox and I had to give a short spiritual message at the beginning to set the mood of the meeting.... after a couple days of thinking we ended up telling all the missionaries that they needed to repent and work harder along with us. It ended up going really well and the rest of the training was awesome. Our zone leaders taught us all about how to make our lessons more meaningful and easy to remember. They gave us a challenge for our sihfaahn (role play) to pick something in our bags and teach a gospel principle using whatever we could find. So sister Wilcox whipped out her anti-itch cream and bug spray and we related the anti itch cream to the atonement and her bug spray to the commandments. It was actually super good. So we used it the next day in one of our lessons.:) 
Later Friday night we went over to Carol's for dinner. Do you remember Carol? She is the one who gave you the flash drive. Can I just tell you that she is one of the awesomest people I have ever met. Her life story goes like this: When she was 17 she got baptized, but soon fell away, got married to a nonmember and had two of the cutest kids I have ever met. Then just a 2 years ago or so, her husband suddenly passed away. This made her end up coming back to church bringing her nonmember parents and best friends family. All ended up joining the church. But that is not all. She then has been doing family history out the wazzo. She talked to her husbands grandfather who remembered some of his ancestors in his hometown in mainland. Carol was then able to track down like 10 huge SUPER old books that are just records of her husbands family history. She now has over 3,000 names she can now start taking to the temple. She understands God has a plan and has one of the strongest testimonies I have ever heard. She is fantastic.
Saturday we did some finding without much success. We visited Sister L whose life is exactly like a drama. I would tell you the story of her life... but that would take up the rest of my email time. So that one will have to wait. 
Getting dinner Saturday night I asked the lady how old the curry was instead of how much the curry was. everyone got a good laugh at that one.
Through prayers we were able to finally track down this possible lost member and her former investigator daughter. Whichever missionary in the past who made their record was extremely awful. Luckily Sister Wilcox is very persistent and has a lot of faith.  
Oh and to top of the three days.... SUNDAY!!! where all of our investigators either didnt answer the phone or just couldnt come. except ...... Sister L. The recent convert 0 friend who we have taught a couple of times. Sister L came with O and brought her little sister who was visiting from mainland. But........ both were totally and completely drunk. At first I just thought her little sister was drunk and sister L was ok... but they were most definitely not themselves. We had just visited them on Thursday and they were super great. But they were all over the place on Sunday. For Relief Society they just sat outside on the couch. When we went to investigator class, we decided to just make them come with us... both of them just kept saying what handsome men our elders were and that they really wanted to take pictures with them. Fortunately they didnt do anything really crazy. I think it was just the last little bit of their drunkenness. I think Sister L had more of just a hangover.  Apparently they had a rough night. O slept through all of church. she said she had to watch them all night. By the time they left we were kinda exhausted of stress. I dont know whether or not we even count them as investigators at church....
But Hong Kong is still great! It is filled with all kinds of awesome people. I love it SO much. 
I love you all!

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