Yo Family!
Whats up? Guess what that (Wong Ching Chong) means. That's right. It is a real phrase, even though it sounds made up. It is from a hymn. It means "Carry on!". That's why is is Wong Ching Chong x3. :) Well... I am still alive and doing well! Almost half of our time has passed by before we get to head out to Hong Gong! The older district leaves in a week from today. We are all going to be really sad cause they really are hilarious. Two of the girls are from the Philipeans. Itz Ji Muih is hillarious. She makes us laugh like every single day. During the first week or so here everyone was like "Itz Ji Muih, show them Twilight!" and she would get all embarrassed and hide away in a corner. After a while the girls in our district finally cornered her and said "What is Twilight?!" So she put her hand over her mouth and the next thing we know is her four front teeth are missing and only her extremely large fangs and hanging out! We all scream and then laughed really hard. She has four fake teeth that she calls her Bella. Hahaha... she is the best. We are going to miss everyone when they leave.
But our district is really great as well. Both new Zone Leaders and the Coordinating sister were just called yesterday in church and all of them are from our little district of 6. Apparently our group is unique cause we all get along really really well and have no problems unlike a bunch of the other districts in our zone. I had no idea we were unique I just thought all the districts were like ours. But after every leadership meeting, our leaders come back and tell us how grateful they are that our district has no problems. Everyone is so great!
Well.... nothing to exciting has happened. There are fantastic devotionals and talks every Sunday and I really love class. We have some of the best teachers in the entire world. One important thing I learned this week was, you don't call Mormons in Hong Kong Mormons. Apparently Mormon in Cantonese means Devil Door. Sooooooo we just call them members of our church. But because of that, alot of people in Hong Kong think that we are a cult. Which is false. That's why we are going to go there! To prove them wrong! I bought myself some new, mini scriptures cause once we get to Hong Kong we will have to carry around scriptures in English and Chinese so I figured smaller would be better. I will send my other ones home. Either Landon can have them or I will use them when I get home.
I guess I did have one of my roughest days here so far. Even then though... it was only a couple of hours. Sister Pearl and I had planned this lesson that we thought was going to be perfect for our investigator Simba. Simba is always talking about her mom, So we thought teaching her about the plan of salvation and how families can be together would be exactly what she needed to hear. We had asked her to commit to baptism the lesson before and she said she would think about it, so this time we thought we had it is the bag. But as soon as we went in there and started teaching her she shut off from us completely. She didn't really talk or give input on what we were talking about. But we kept going on with the lesson anyway. I think that she understood us, but it was just not a good lesson. Especially compared to the lesson we had had with Kim a couple days before, when Sister Pearl and I could feel the spirit so strong and it guided the entire lesson based on Kim's needs. Anyway.... I was really upset after that lesson with Simba cause I had felt like it was what she needed to hear, but I guess we didn't say it to her in a way that she would feel the spirit teaching her.
Everyday here I learn more about the people I am teaching. We are taught to teach people, not lessons. It is strange how much of a difference it makes when you the spirit guide the lesson rather than you completely teaching the entire lesson line for line. I am so grateful for the time that I have to be here. Even though it already feels as if I have been here for eternity. I have grown so much and have seen how much other people have grown. Now I know why it is so important for young men to go on a mission and how important it is for as many young women to go as can go. It really puts your priorities straight. I LOVE THE LORD AND HIS WORK!
Love you all!
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