Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy almost Valentines day!

Hey family!
Happy almost Valentines day! I thought about sending you a card... but decided not to.... cause I am just like that. 
This week has been much better than last week. I am finally starting to get into the grove of things here. I am actually starting to feel like a missionary. It helps that our district is awesome to the max! There are four of us sisters and one set of Elders. We all laugh together way to much. Sometimes we get distracted instead of concentrating hard on Cantonese. Pauline, our old investigator became our teacher! We were all surprised, we told her that she should go into acting, cause she was really really good. But she is from Hong Kong, but served a mission in New York English and Mandarin speaking. So the tables have turned! Now she has to struggle to teach us in English, instead of us teaching her in Canto. We get two new investigators this week Simba and Kim. I guess I will tell you about them next week since we teach them for the first time tonight.
The food here is starting to get really old and is starting to hurt my stomach. There is something about the food here that gives everyone bad gas. So bad for one of our Elders that we told him he has to go out of the classroom when he needs to let one loose. So the other day he stood up right before personal study and walked out of the classroom. We all knew what he was doing so Muk Jimuih or Sister Moody says " Bet you wont go into the old districts classroom and let it slip there." So of course Wuo JeungLou (Elder Woodburn) took that as a challenge and walked right into the older districts classroom thinking it was going to be a silent but deadly fart. But no. It was super de duper loud. As soon as he let a rip, he bolted out of there back into our classroom. We couldn't believe he just did that! The older district couldn't either! It was soooooooo funny! Gong Jimuih our coordinating sister was like, "Was that real?" I was laughing so hard I was almost crying. Wuo JeungLou was so embarrassed, which made it even funnier cause he doesn't get embarrassed easily. But don't worry we have repented of our immature ways and are all trying to be more missionary like. :)
Last night we had an awesome devontional by Mark J. Lusvardi, he is the director of public programs for the missionary department, but he talked about loving our investigators and how there are people waiting in our missions right now who are just waiting for us to get there and teach them. He also told us we are affecting generations to come. He told a story about a family he had converted in Argentina and how now the son is working on getting married in the temple. The son was actually there at the devotional with his fiancee and they got up and talked about how their lives would have been different if the missionaries hadn't been there. It makes me so excited to get out to Hong Kong! I am so excited to get to know the future investigators that I already love!  Then later that night we got to watch one of Hollands old devotionals called Missions are Forever. It was even better than the first devotional! He just got us all pumped up to go out and astonish our investigators with the power of God. He said our lives are never going to be like this again so don't waste a single moment. No regrets. He also brought up a good question. Why don't people flock to the fount? Because salvation is difficult. Because it takes work. We have to struggle and work every day. The road to salvation passes through the garden of Gethsemane (find out how to spell that mom, cause I don't know how.) It is a journey full of sorrow and suffering for both us and our investigators. Salvation was never easy. Every mission is tough. "It cost alot of you, it cost alot of those you teach, because it cost alot of Him."
I am so grateful to be here. I grow stronger everyday. This is literally the hardest, scariest, most stressful thing I have ever done in my life. But I know it is good for me and it is good for those I know and will get to know.
Love you so much!
Keep sending letters! I will send one back ... sometime.

Love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

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