Another week as come and gone! It feels like just yesterday I just emailed you. This week has been the fastest week of my life. I don't know why... I thought towards the end of our time here that it would start going fast... but it is already going fast. Our older district leaves in two weeks! We were freaking out yesterday cause it is so soon and we will miss them so much when they leave.
When I first got here I was jealous of the English speakers who are only here for like 10 days... but now I am grateful for how long I get to be here. I get to work on spiritually creating myself for a full 9 weeks before I go out into the field. I am starting to really like it here as well. Everything is so in tune with the spirit here that everyday you hear exactly what you need to hear. It is really crazy! But I love it!
I have seen ChaiDee, Libby, Jessica and BreAnna! Libby leaves tomorrow! Crazy! I am going to visit her tonight... she just lives like 3 doors down from me. Jessica left last week and she lived on the same floor as us as well. ChaiDee lives a floor above us but we have the same meal time so I get to see her alot. I was worried I wouldn't even get to see BreAnna... but luckily I was scanning the crowd yesterday when the sisters got to watch Music of the Spoken Words. I found her there and she was telling me how she got moved up to the advanced level Spanish class so now she is only here for 10 days! Apparently she was really sick the first couple of days she got here but was feeling better by Sunday. I am excited for Keri to get here! How is she doing! You should give her a guilt trip for not writing me. That girl... 3 weeks now.... not one letter... ridiculous.
So Cantonese is coming along. Slowly but surely. Everyone is starting to level out in their speaking abilities, which is nice. Want to know a fantastic thing about Cantonese?! There are no tenses like English or Spanish! It is all in present tense, you just have to add words like yesterday or tomorrow or later! I think that makes up for the 7 tones that we have. :) Tones are super important. Dad I know you told me not to worry about the tones really until I got there... but there are some distinctions that need to be made. Like between pig and savior I was telling you about but also between small words like in and am. Hai = in and Haih= am So we are pounded with tones quite often. Thanks for sending that Walkman by the way. It is kinda hard to make it read the CD but it works. I just have to flip the walkman upside down. Thanks for getting me everything I ask for... you truly are the best. :)
Sundays here are so nice. They are the most relaxing day here. We just have sacrament meeting at 7:30am then breakfast, which is always cereal on Sundays. Which there are so many freaking missionaries here! It is getting kind of ridiculous. We got 1000 new missionaries this last Wednesday added to the already 3400ish missionaries that were already here. So meals are awful. Sooooooooooooooo many people. It is great how the army is growing... I just don't know how many more the MTC can hold. Normally I would really hate all of the people, cause I hate crowds. But I just look at it as getting me ready for Hong Kong. The Lord knew I hate crowds and wanted me to get used to them before I got there. Except when I get there I will be able to see over everyone's head, so it really wont even be that bad. Anyway.... sorry for that sidetrack... but after breakfast the sisters get to watch music of the spoken word and right after, relief society starts. During Relief Society there are always guest speakers so this week we got to listen to Linda Reeves ( I think that is how you spell it, not so sure... I forgot my notebook) but then after that we get to go hang out with our district in our classroom till lunch. Usually we just watch Mormon Messages cause we can. :) Then after lunch we have district meeting and temple walk.
I LOVE TEMPLE WALK! We get to walk over to the temple and walk around the grounds. It is really the best. Getting out and seeing the sun is so refreshing. They cancelled it last week because there was ice. But this week we got our fill of Vitamin D for the week. Ahaaa so nice. But then we had choir practice, which you don't have to tell me I already know that I am a horrible singer... but you get a good seat for devotionals both Sunday and Tuesday so we joined. Then we had a devotional Sunday evening by Brother Littlefeild, I missed what his actual job is, but I know he helps the quorum of the 12 assign mission calls, but it was about how God can work miracles. He said how we as missionaries need to believe that we can do miracles and change peoples lives. Never doubting but trusting in the Lord with all our heart. I am so excited to convert all of Hong Kong! Hong Kong won't know what hit them. I am going to take it by STORM!
Well my time is up! I love you so much!
I am so happy!
Love, Shea
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