Hey family!!!!
Guess what!!!!! Sister Yip answered her phone Tuesday night! Apparently she was in mainland. I hate mainland. It sucks everyone away and you never know what happened to them. But she is still doing super great. She had to go back to mainland a couple more times this last week so we didnt get to meet with her until yesterday. She has been seeing a doctor there. Apparently she has been wanting to have a baby girl, but has had problems having kids since she had King. But she made sure that she could come to church on Sunday!
Yesterday when he and King came to church we gave them the biggest hugs. We missed them SOOOOO much. King is seriously one of the funniest kids I have ever met and Sister Yip is just amazing. She is still looking forward to her baptism. She actually called us on Thursday and told us about how one of her friends from America that she hadnt had contact with for like 10 years or so, called her out of the blue and started talking to her about how she got to know Jesus and how he changed her life. Sister Yip just kept saying over and over how it was just miraculous. She had been praying for more faith and then her friend called her. Sister Yip is a very prepared soul. God has blessed us so much by giving us an opportunity to work with her. She was also able to stay after church for the other wards baptism which was also super good. Then she also got a priesthood blessing. The spirit was so strong, Gah! I cant even explain to you all what the feeling was like after the blessing. Yip jimuih was just so grateful and she is so humble. Bah! I love that lady!
But we might have to push her baptism back depending on what the doctor says this week. If the doctor says she might have to lay flat for 2 weeks.... dont ask me why.... mainland doctors... they are weird. But laying flat for 2 weeks could put a damper on things.
Yip jimuih was pretty much the highlight of the week. We had a possibility of 8 investigators coming to church... but only Yip jimuih came. She made up for the rest. :)
This next Thursday is Autumn Festival. Everywhere is covered in lanterns and everyone and their dogs gives us moon cakes. Have any of you ever tried a mooncake? They are actually quite gross. It is like a butter brick that is really lotus root paste with egg cooked in the middle. We. have. so. many. I am not exactly sure what we are going to do with all of them. But Sister Berry told me if we eat them cold and just dont eat the egg part that it tastes just like peanut butter. I am not sure though....
I actually am not sure why they celebrate Autumn Festival or what will happen on Thursday... but I think that I will like it. :) I have thought of sending a package home with some mooncakes and lanterns just so that you all can get a little taste of Autumn Festival. Maybe I will just have to buy some mooncakes before I go back to the states.
Well... Hong Kong is awesome and Cheung Sha Wan is an awesome ward. Honestly this week... even though the only investigator we have is Yip jimuih and we didnt even get to meet with her this week, I have never been happier. In the evenings when sister Wilcox and I are walking home from the train station, we just look at each other and are just so surprised about how happy we are. We both agree that the only way life could get better right now is if we had more investigators. We have a great area, a great apartment, a great ward, an awesome opportunity to bear testimony everyday, and we love being companions with each other. I have never been happier. Sister Wilcox and I laugh so much. Even when we are finding all day together and have zero success... we are still happy at the end of the day. It is so weird to me that we can have sacrificed so much and yet be so happy! The Lord works in mysterious ways. But he has blessed us so much.
So how is everyone doing? Black rain? In Utah? It is funny cause it hasnt rained very much here lately. It has just been hot hot hot. Keep doing the family names!
Ok! I love you!
"and inasmuch as ye are humble and faithful and call upon my name, behold I will give you the victory." D&C 104:82
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