Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fam Fam Family

hey family!

It's me! I didn't die. Just like Sister Wilcox wrote on her blog, we got to go to the temple today. Sorry I forgot to tell you. I forgot myself. But the temple was  just as great as ever. Sometimes I never want to leave it. The new video hasn't reached Hong Kong just yet, but I still like the old one.
For not having a P-day for a good week and a half, it sure went fast. We didnt do as much finding this week, but the few times we did, everyone seemed alot meaner when we didnt have a P-day on Monday. P-day's are inspired. We neeeeeeed them.
GAH! Now so much has happened since the last time I wrote home, I dont know what to say/where to start....
Well.... Sister Yip is still doing good. King (her son) just started school this week so we havent been able to meet with her since Sunday, which is kinda a maahfaahn (annoyance) cause her baptismal date is coming up super fast. But we had a miracle just last night! We have been trying some train contacting lately, just riding the train back and forth in our area and talking to people. Usually it is not much success cause you dont have to much time to talk so you usually just give them a flyer as they are getting off the train. Which is what happened when I contacted Ada about English class. But then she called the office elders and asked for me and then she came to English class and brought her 7 year old daughter Queenie! I was so excited! We invited them to church on Sunday but we havent had a chance yet to teach them cause English class gets out too late. But they said that they will come if Queenie can wake up! Yeah!!! Within the last month I have met two 7 year olds and their names are Queenie and King. I thought it was really funny.
Oh! I need to tell you about Chiyoko! We decided to go LA finding one evening in Meih Foo. Meih Foo is just a bunch of rich people's apartments but we have like 5 or so LA's that live there. There was one named Chiyoko, we were like sweet a Japanese name, lets visit it. Sister Choi and I had actually called and talked to her on the phone a couple of times but could never schedule her, so I was excited to see if she was home. When we got up to the door, she was surprisingly home! She was there with her sister-in-law and her helper (everyone who has enough money, hires a Philippine, or Indonesian to take care of the house and cook food). Gloria her sister in law was just really confused as to why we were there, then Chiyoko just says "I am Mormon duh." and she let us in and had us sit down. Chiyoko is this little 4ft something, short affro ed, jewelry wearing and heavily make-uped asian. She is so cute. She has lived in Hong Kong for over 40 years so she is pretty much Hong Kongese. Her house is the quirky place I have ever seen in Hong Kong. It is filled with dollies, fake flowers, crowned moldings and 4 little rat dogs that run around. Anyway... it was something straight out of the movies. We start talking with her and then her husband comes in along with one of his friends. They were quite surprised to find two white girls sitting on their couch. :) But they of coursed jumped on the opportunity to speak English. Her husband actually has really good English and every time we would complement him on it, he would just say, "I am a translator duh. It is my job." And then run back to show us his plaque of graduation. He really is just a retired cop. But anyway the whole situation was just so awesome and funny and quirky. From the shrine of their daughter who used to be Miss Hong Kong, to the worst Chinese sausage that I have ever tasted in my entire life. eeewwwwwww... I shiver just thinking about it. I cant write the atmosphere of the situation well enough, I will just have to tell you all about it one day when we can talk in person. But anyway... come to find out that her husband is actually really unhappy with his life and it re-thinking about having religion in his life. I just happened to have that Finding Happiness clip that you sent me in my bag and we were able to watch it together with everyone. We taught everyone how to pray and committed them to pray. It was a night of miracles.
We see so many miracles. I am so grateful my eyes are open to them. No looking back at my life before there were so many little miracle even in just everyday life.
Ok! I love you all!
Keep smiling!
1. Kesie and I had a yam chah together. we have both been working with the Hoh family whose older brother just died.

 2. Hey we just barely got out of the temple! (me, Sister Pearl- I dont remember if I told you I get to live with her now..., Sister Tidwell and Sister Wilcox!)

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