Monday, April 15, 2013

Table Manners...

Hey family! 

Still alive and doing well! The language is still coming. Slowly but surely it will come. It is still frustrating but I can make due. Except when people talk really fast, then there is no hope. One of the people we had a dinner with, her name is Manzee, her and her friend were there. She is a member but her friend is not. They just kept going at each other and at the end of every sentence was a  -gaaaaaammaaaaa. Which is like adding Duuuuhhhhh onto every sentence you say. They had their mouths completely full with rice sliding out every time they talked. I couldn’t understand anything.... but I thought it was hilarious so I just laughed to myself and let them keep going. So I might come back with just as bad table manners. If I do..... oh well... Chinese people are awesome. 

Conference was really good! We were lucky enough that the members understand that even for missionaries who have been out over a year conference is still hard to understand so they set us up a program in English. 

WE HAVE AN INVESTIGATOR!!!!!! She is freakin Awesome! When we were meeting the elders to go less active finding the elders ran into her. They thought she was going to be trouble since she flat out told them they were cute and followed them for a good while. Then she showed up to English class the next night. Sister Clements and I had chosen to go finding instead of to English class cause we weren’t planning on anyone being there. So the Tai Woo sisters and our Elders taught her together... (the Chinese person to the left of me just burped and coughed up a giant luegee, just thought you should know.) but anyway... They invited her to conference on Saturday and she came!!!! To all 4 hours! And then she stayed for a 30 min lesson with us! Then we walked to the train station with her where she met her friend and she went and took her friend back to the chapel to chat with a bunch of other missionaries!!!! She has already felt the spirit many times in her life and already prays everyday. She is amazing. There is alot of negative perceptions of the church here in Hong Kong. People say that we are a cult and a devil worshipping church. When Kirsten (the name of our new investigator) told her friends she was meeting with the Mormons they totally anti-ed her saying how she can’t meet with us and how we are evil. But she said she said that she can make her own decisions and wants to find out for herself. She said when we taught her that she thinks meeting with us was the right decision. She. is. sooooooo. awesome. But she is only 15. So even if she wants to get baptized she can’t unless she can get her parents consent. Her parents said she couldn’t come to conference on Sunday because she had to do her homework. She has been through alot in her life; I don’t know how her relationship with her parents is yet. We will see her on Wednesday. I am excited!

Ok I don’t have as much time as I thought. But I love you all! Thank you for your prayers. I really do feel them. They lift me up everyday! They are much needed and are well used! I will keep on keeping on. The Lord lifts me up. I believe and he will help me in my unbelief!

Love! Shea

Here are some pictures I promised! Ah... I don’t remember what they are....
1. Where we go finding. Addresses are really complicated here. I will explain some other time. Especially since we can’t read or write
2. The view from my apartment desk window. I love it. We live on the 5th floor. Which is really the 4th floor they just don’t use fourth floor here because it sounds like the same word as death just a different tone, so they skip it. 
3. Just crossin the road. You cross halfway and wait and then cross more. Kinda weird. You have to be careful. 
4. on the way back from conference. Our church really is out in the boonies. 

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