Monday, April 22, 2013

Our Area is on FIRE!!!!

For real though. Our area is on fire. It is like they were just waiting for sisters to show up. We now have 2 investigators committed to baptism and we had 6 LA's at church yesterday and we have only been here 2.5 weeks. It is crazy to see the miracles. I really can’t even believe it. 

When I first got here and we were spending so much time inside planning and studying I was kinda angry cause I wanted to be out working. But low and behold... studying, planning, records, and calling are a huge part of the work. We haven’t even been able to go out finding that much, which surprises me, cause I thought we would be doing alot of finding. But between putting our records in order, visiting LA families, calling, and doing our 4 hours of daily study we haven’t had that much time to go finding. Like I was telling sister Clements... It is like we plan and study and set things up forever, then we have one huge moment that is awesome. 

Can I just tell you how much I love Hong Kong? I forgot my card reader again. :( I am sorry! I will repent and bring it next week. The weeks just go by so fast here. But I have to tell you about Grandma Chan. She has been a less active for 10 years now. Apparently the Elders found her just a couple of weeks ago, but we were going down the list that Bishop Choi said was a part member family, and decided to call and see if we could visit her. She agreed to visit with us if we came out to her house. So we called the bishop, the elders, and talked to other members to see if we could figure out how to get to her house. She lives out in the boonies of the boonies. We took this bus, that then dropped us off on the side of the road... the bishop just said look and whatever direction is going up and go up. So we did. We also called the Elders and made them explain everything in detail... but anyway it is way up in these mountains. So we get there and she is the cutest little old lady! She lives in this little cave of a house. Her 50yr old son lives with her, but he is always working and has no interest in the church. But we talked with her and showed her pictures of our families. Then she asks us if we have eaten yet. We are like yeah a bit. Then she goes into a dark closet (actually her kitchen) and comes back out with what looks like poop on a banana leaf. We take and say thank you and then look at each other like Oh no. what are we supposed to do. So we take a bite and it is not too bad. It looks really bad. I will send a picture next week. I really meant to bring my card reader. SORRY! But anyway. Then we were like "How did you make this? Like what is it made of?" She then proceeds to get up and walk out the front door and pick some weeds from the ditch outside her house.      .....        I didn’t even know what to say. Apparently she boils the leafs down and makes a mush of them and adds geliton. So we asked for bags so we could take some to the other sisters we live with and she then gave us like 5 more. Oh how I love Grandma Chan. She came to church on Sunday. :) We are also going to help her be able to go to the temple and do her family history work. 

I also have to tell you more about Kirsten. She is still as awesome as ever. On Saturday we had a Relief Society activity and she came. She also brought her little brother, and 3 other friends. We were able to watch the Restoration with them and talk about the BOM. They couldn’t come to church yesterday, but Kirsten said for sure next week. Oh man she is great. 

Nope. We didn’t feel any Earthquake. I just barely saw something like that on the train TV. We guessed it was mainland, but nope had no idea. I am excited that Landon is getting excited about a mission. It really is super great and I love every min of it, even when I don’t understand everything that is going on or things are just really awkward. That is one of the mottos of our apartment. "Embrace the Awkward." You really have to. :) 

The Carlson’s called from one of the missionaries phones down in the English branch.

I have actually seen Kelsie quite a few times. Her companion was in our sister district so I actually know her pretty well. Sister Aliaga is awesome. I have also strangely met 2 or 3 people from Spain traveling on the train here. But when I try and speak in Spanish is comes out as Chiesh. Half Chinese half Spanish. It is no good. Kinda a bummer, but I will pick it back up when I get back to the states. No worries for now. Cantonese is still coming slowly but surely. Sister Clements and I speak alot of English which is bad for learning Cantonese, but there are alot of things we need to organize and put together that we need to be able to communicate. It will come in time. I am not too worried. 

I gave the bishop your email. If he hasn’t emailed you yet I am sure he will very shortly. They still don’t have housing for Samuel yet and they leave for Utah on Thursday. So watch out for that email. They were really grateful to get some help with that. They speak some English... But idk how much cause I only speak in Cantonese with them. Samuel is said that he is leaving his friends, so I hope that Landon can fill the gap for him. :) 

Dad we live in Sheung Shui. On San Shing Ave. I don’t know what the building is called. The Tai Wo sisters live with us. It is really fun. 

Ok, well I love you all. But I still have to write President Hawks! Keep writing me, because I love to read your emails! Thanks for all your support!


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