Saturday, August 9, 2014

wrestling cockroaches

Hey Family!!!!!
How is everyone! We are doing fantastic over here it is hot and humid and there are prepared souls everywhere. :)
First I have to go back to the title of today's email.... wrestling cockroaches. So in Hong Kong people dont really have rodent problems in their houses usually they just have some cockroach problems. Even when your house is really clean and on the 34th floor you can still get cockroaches. The little suckers are everywhere!
So we have been fighting this battle with them in our apartment over the last couple of weeks. A couple weeks ago we finally bought some bug killing spray and sprayed everywhere is our apartment, of course that just made all the rest that we couldnt get to come out so for the rest of the week we were killing little cockroaches everywhere. Now before you freak out (mom), they were just little ones. Nothing to crazy. But last night I got up to go to the bathroom, half asleep of course, and I heard some rustling. I automatically thought it was the clothe line that is just outside of our bathroom window. but then... I see it. A GINORMOUS cockroach crawling up and above the door. Seriously the BIGGEST THING I HAD EVER SEEN! I dont know what is worse, rodents or cockroaches the size of rodents. Either way, I freaked out. I threw up my pants as fast as I could and tried to figure out what to do. By this time the cockroach is trying to fly around the bathroom. It was really the size of a small bird. I had no idea they could fly! So I grabbed my towel and tried to cover the cockroach to catch it, but it was a sneaky little sucker. It took me a good 4 tries before I could catch it, when I finally had it all wrapped up in my towel I stood there for a good 2 min trying to figure out how to kill the thing. I finally came to the thought to stick it out the bathroom window. So I stuck my towel out the window and tried to shake it hard enough that it would fall. When I brought my towel back it, it only brought the bloody cockroach with it! So I freaked out again and tried to catch it again and stuck my towel out the window and shut the window on my towel. Only then did it get off my towel.
By this time I have my adrenaline pumping through my body than I have had in a really long time. I tried to go back to sleep but ended up just laying there for a half hour only to here the tuen mun sister's summer missionary start speaking Korean in her sleep. So I tried to speak some back to her, but then she woke up and said what are you doing, since I was looking right at her in the middle of the night of course. Then I just really could help but laugh for the longest time.
Last night was a weird night. It is just still all on my mind so I thought I would share with you. :) But the work this last week has been great! We have been doing lots and lots of finding and if it wasnt for slurpees I think that I would have gotten heat stroke a long time ago.
But Anna got confirmed!
Our ward had an awesome and super fun water fight activity!
A potential family came to english class! We are SO close to teaching a family! Pray for it please!
July's baptisms came to a total of 51 for the mission!!! Not quite the 65 we planned but it has been the China Hong Kong mission's Zions camp. Look up the story and you will know what I am talking about. It has been awesome.
I had my last Zone Training and it was the most spiritual one I have ever been to. Our mission is not stopping with just July. We are reaching for high things. Us missionaries are changing this mission. We have all set a new goal for 65 in December. I am SOOOOOOOOO excited!!! It is going to be awesome.
But that is all for this week!
I love you all!

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