Saturday, July 19, 2014

Happy family reunion!!!

It is nice getting a chance to see everyone just a bit. :) I love the videos. Everyone is so different it is weird. Can we have another family reunion sometime in December? Then we can have a summer one and a winter one. good mh good? (oh that is Chinese... ) PLEASE!!!! I want to be there. 
I hope you all have lots of fun for me. 

Hong Kong is also great. i have an idea! Next family reunion lets have it in HK! Yeah?! Perfect! We have lots of places to go and people to see. :) We can do some finding along the way. :) But really though. 

Our investigators are also doing great! Well at least Anna is. Anna is one of the most prepared people I have ever met. We only met her a month ago and she is already ready to be baptized. She should be having her interview this Thursday. :) I keep forgetting to get a picture with her but I will this week for sure. 
Tammy on the other hand has not been answering our calls for the last 2 weeks. Last time she didnt answer was because she was traveling. I just pray that she is keeping the WOW, reading and praying. We HAVE to see her this week in order for her to make her date. 
Sister Luk is also really good. She already wants to share the gospel with her friends. We thought she would progress faster than she is, but she is still progressing. Hopefully she can be another July miracle.

I still truely believe we can have 4 people be baptized in July. It is just going to take a major miracle. 

Over the last couple of days I have been thinking back to a video President Hawks showed a while back at a Mission Leadership Council. It is the story about Elijah and the widow. You will all need to read it. But have you ever kept reading after she finds the meal and the oil? .... so she see all of these miracles. They have enough food! Amazing! They wont die of hunger! then all of the sudden her son gets really sick and he dies. So she turns to Elijah and asks why have you come here? Just to make me feel guilty of my sins and to kill my son? She forgot the miracles he just barely preformed! Where is her faith? He just saved them from hunger and yet now she is mad at him. So Elijah works and prays and is able to bring her son back to life, preforming, what I think is one of the biggest miracles of all, only then does the widow admit that Elijah is a prophet of God and her faith is confirmed. It is kinda like us heading towards our goal of 65. We see all of these little miracles along the way, but then we face a hard time. Our son dies, our investigators stop answering the phone, it just isnt looking like they are ever going to make their date... and then... we call upon the powers of heaven. We ask the Lord, and work, Elijah had to work to bring the son back to life, only then will we be able to see the real miracle. 

Just a little bit from my personal study I thought that I would share....

We are still working hard over here. I have the best job in the world right now! I love you all and miss you! 


Picture 1. Look I am here at the family reunion! I brought some octopus balls! They are SOOOO good!!!!! really though

Picture 2. Crocs and socks. every day man. Thats how we HK sisters roll

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