Look at my hot shot brothers! That article was so good! I am so excited for Ben, and Nick has never looked better.
HK is fantastic! Last night there was a HUGE lightening storm. We all woke up at 2:00 in the morning, to our room looking like there was a strobe light on. There was lightening literally every 3 seconds. But after a while it slowed down and we all went back to sleep. This morning it was one of the clearest mornings I have seen in HK. I love it here.
Yesterday we had a literal miracle! Yesterday after church all I could say was, "wow. wow. wow. wowowowowowowow. WOW!"
So I dont think that I have really explained much about how the mission is working towards having 65 people be baptized in July... But there is a system and goals that we are supposed to be striving for each week. I was nervous that we would never be able to achieve these goals, since Sister Palmer and I always fell just a bit short, and now that Sister Shoemaker and I are doing training, we have less time to be out in the streets. So I broke down all the numbers and decided how our new companionship was going to achieve these goals. I came to the conclusion that we were just going to really really focus on getting more people to church. So over the last month or so we have been focusing on it. and we have been able to see more and more people come to church. This last Sunday we were able to have 6 investigators and 3 LA's at church!!!!! It was a literal MIRACLE!!!!! I was starting to doubt that we would ever be able to reach anything and then the Lord proved me wrong. The Lord is too good.
We were then able to finally teach Sister Cheuk and her husband. They were sister palmer and I's Christmas miracle family. Their baby boy Hansel received a blessing and we are going to start teaching Sister Cheuk's husband! :)
So many great things happened this week...
- Met Rainie's husband
- Ran into LA's and investigators while out finding
- Got to meet our investigator who cant really speak Cantonese, grown children.
- A lady didnt freak out when I tried to commit her to a baptismal date on the street. That was fun.
- An Indian man ran through us while we were talking to this family, only to STOMP on the cockroach that was 2 feet away from us.
-Got pumped up by Zone training
- Watched Sister Mckown huge a nasty bug infested mattress while we helped this man from Africa move
-Found Gaats ngai behng (waffles with peanut butter and sugar) for only 7 $
- Got to clean Choi Lai Wah's fans. She is still the best LA ever
- Met a 70ty year old lady who had just gotten done with a performance. She sings and dances. She was awesome.
HK is great. an adventure everyday. I love you all!
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