Hey everyone!!!
There goes another week. wow. what is going on?! time is crazy!
here are just a couple of highlights!
- Zone exchanges! guess who I got to be companions with.... none other than Sister Wilcox! My old companion! We got to be companions again for the day and see how much we have changed over the last 4 months! It was so fun. We got to go on a little hike Saturday morning with one of our LAs and as we came into this little valley we stopped by this stream and shared a message about Agency and how we get to choose the path we will take in this life.
-We also got to teach Tammy Tam, who is still SO good. She just says that she wants to "get closer to Jesus Christ faster" and she thinks the Plan of Salvation makes sense and is good. We also talked to her about teaching her husband who doesnt have any religion, so hopefully we can start teaching a family!!! :)
-At Zone training we are really trying to focus our zone on teaching families. We set a large goal for our zone, but I know that we can accomplish it.
-At Mission Leadership Council Pres. Hawks talked alot about faith. The mission has a huge goal we are trying to accomplish. We need all the faith we can get. Miracles are wrought with faith. and we need some miracles.
-We taught our LA choi lai wah about the temple. she wants to get there!
-We were able to meet with a lady that we contacted last week and teach her a lesson. But it really just consisted of her telling us everything about why she is not happy. I honestly couldnt understand more than: Diabetes, little sister, Singapore, shirt, a-line haircut, money, very un happpy new years. thats about all I got. But luckily we had a member with us and the spirit told us just to testify about God's love and how she can turn her life around and choose to be happy. We are meeting again with her tomorrow. :)
-Yesterday was kind of rough. I was extra tired from waking up extra early to go to ward coucil, we were fasting for faith, it was raining, and the member present we had scheduled that afternoon to make our goal never answered the phone so we couldnt get up to their apartment. So we were left to go finding in the rain. I was bummed. I really thought we were going to make at least our member present goal. But I got over it and thought, cool, Heavenly father will give us a different miracle. But as we were walking around Wu King Estate, no one really wanted to talk to us. No one. They wouldnt even take our flyers. I was really just trying to endure the time until 5:30 so we could go home and eat some dinner. We kept going and going, trying to talk to everyone we could. The time finally came for us to go home, we said a closing prayer, and started walking to the light rail to go home when we walked past this lady and her bulldog. I felt like we should talk to her so I turned around to talk to her, but as soon as i said who I was she said, "I am BUDDHIST. I dont need that." and walked away. I had really thought she was going to be our miracle. But alas.... she was not quite prepared.
It just goes to show... I dont get to choose the miracles that we see. We still get them, just not in my time table or in the form I choose. But they come.
I am so grateful that i get to be apart of this work. Everything is SO good. the hard and the easy. It is all SO good and SO worth it!
I love you all!!!!
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