Monday, July 29, 2013

Well Helllllllooooo family!

Well Helllllllooooo family!
Another week as already come and gone. I have no idea where the time is going. The weeks just go by faster and faster. These last couple of weeks have been some of the hardest but the fastest weeks of my life. The transfer is already almost over. We are all starting to guess who is moving and who is staying. I think that Sister choi and I will stay at least one more transfer together... but at the same time you never know.
Cheung Sha Wan is doing great. We still dont have very many promising investigators, Kelsie is right. Opening a new area is extremely hard. But we have found some success in working with our Less Actives. We had three LA's come back to church this last week. Sister Ngai is almost considered active again. We found her several weeks ago, she had been LA for over 10 years and did remember anything at all, so we have been treating her like a new investigator and teaching her all the lessons. Sister Lam is still doing good... we were teaching her daughter Elizabeth and gave Elizabeth a baptismal date, but now she wont answer our calls or texts and Sister Lam said that Elizabeth thinks that church is boring and that we just bother her. She likes the other church she goes to with her friends. Her church is just a dance party with a band... of course it is less boring... but not like you learn anything. So we were kinda bummed out about that, but thats ok, life goes on, and we will still try and see her again.  
Spending an entire day finding is sometimes awesome. As hard as it is somedays and you just feel like there is no hope for the people of Hong Kong, some other days are filled with miracles. Finding can be a very spiritual experience, if you let the Lord guide you and you are doing your best. We just have to continue to have faith that the Lord will guide us to his prepared children. This last week we tried to knock some doors. Most of the time you cant knock doors cause there is either a code to get in or a guard that you have to get through, but if you are in the not so nice side of town the stairways are opening and we can get up to some doors. This week I learned a valuable lesson about the streets of Hong Kong. You should stay away from anything that says it is a foot massage or has ANY kind of pink paint or light. Lets just say.... we ran out of a couple of buildings and were very careful to take a good look at the outside of buildings for anything out of the ordinary before entering the rest of the day. But when you do find a good building, during the right time of day it is super nice! Besides the walking up 9 floors of stairs, people are home and you can usually get a lesson with them. Just last Saturday we were able to do 3 lessons in one afternoon. It is just a matter of turning those lessons into new investigators that we are working on.   
The Hon family, where the brother is dying of cancer has not been looking so good. After we taught him last Sunday we saw his older brother in the street 2x's while out finding. On thursday they took Hon Hingdaaih to get a checkup at the hospital and he passed out while we was there. He has been at the hospital ever since so we have gone to the hospital to visit him several times. Saturday he was not looking good at all. We thought for sure he would go that night. After we gave our message to him, we asked if he was ready and he said that he was. I think that he is ready to go, but his family is not. The family is so broken hearted over him. We talk with the family alot and tell them to have faith. We have done family prayers every night with them as well. We just need to prepare the family for it.
Like I said last email. I am so grateful that I get to live with all of you for eternity. I know that God's plan can give us peace in this world and happiness for eternity.
Love you all!

Monday, July 22, 2013

I have almost already walked out my first pair of crocs

I am so glad that you have all had an awesomly fun last couple of weeks. The pictures look like lots of fun. I am glad that you are giving Luna and Lucy and good adrenaline rush. They need it. :) Turn those kids into adventure, adrenaline junkies!
I am also glad that you got the pictures and videos. I was planning on doing a bunch more videos but then Carol said she was leaving and I didnt have much time... so you didnt get as many as I was planning. But I hope you got a little taste of Hong Kong.
I am still loving this place! This week we have had a couple days of straight finding. 5 and a half hours of walking the streets trying to talk to people. I have almost already walked out my first pair of crocs. I am going to go see if I can find some more today. Finding in the streets is difficult but it is possible. Sometimes, actually alot of the times, I am surrounded by to many people to have a decent conversation with just one of them. It just makes alot of awkward contacts... but thats ok.... my middle name now is awkward. But if they are prepared enough by God they wont think that it is that awkward. I always try to talk to the moms. We are told to look for families so I always try to start up conversations with moms. We met quite a few moms this last week. Almost all of them are originally from China. Which is great! If they speak Cantonese. People from China are amazing. They have NO religious background and most havent even heard of Jesus Christ. So they are a clean slate. When they start hearing the gospel they love it and can see the change in their lives almost immediately. I dont remember if I have told you about how people come down from mainland just to get baptized... they hear all the lessons in one day, get baptized and then go back up to mainland. They are insane and have freakish amounts of faith.
Yesterday was a crazy Sunday. The ward that we share a chapel with had 3 baptisms so we stayed after church and watched them get baptized with our Less Actives then we ran over to Mong Kok where we were supposed to meet this lady from another ward who has been teaching a LA that lives in our ward boundaries. She took us along with our Relief Society Pres to the house. We were supposed to do like a little FHE. The man (Brother Hung) we were going to see is in the last stages of cancer. He has been LA for like 40 years or so and his wife is a nonmember. The whole situation was really sad. He looked really bad. His liver has already failed him so he is all yellow and his legs and hands have began to swell up. His other brother and sister came to visit with us as well. We gave a message about the Plan of Salvation. The sister was crying and so was Hung Hingdaaih. We talked about the savior and about how families can be together forever. It was a really good message and the spirit was very strong. We also watched one of the videos you sent me for my birthday. :) Thanks! We are going to continue meeting with them. They were so happy to have the missionaries over to see them.
It was crazy to see how much the Plan of Salvation can help them. I always knew that this plan helped us know the answers to life's questions... but it just hit them so hard. I am so very grateful that I know Gods wonderful and eternal plan. I am so very grateful that I have an opportunity to live with all of you again. Yeah I miss all of you right now... but this life is so short, this year and a half is like the blink of an eye. "Oh how great the plan of our God!" (2 Nephi 9: 6-10) I am so happy that I have the rest of eternity to spend with all of you. I know that this plan is true. If we all live worthily we will all return to God's kingdom.
I am happy to hear that you are all working so hard on doing family history work. The more the merrier! Seal them all! I want as many of our family waiting for us as we possibly can on the other side of the veil. Death will be a party! No longer something that is dreaded or scary.
Ok I love you all!
Here are some pictures!
1. LA finding. the address was really a roof.

2. Brother Cheung (Autistic, Sister Choi took his cigarettes)

3. Sister Lam! She is so funny. She makes us food pretty much anytime we go over to her house. Her Indonesian food is the best! I told her that dad needs to try her fish. He would love it. :) She says if you all come to Hong Kong that she will make you all food.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Black Rain?

Hey family!
There have been a couple of black rain and typhoon warnings the last couple weeks but I haven't seen to much. If it is black rain we are not allowed to go out and i don't remember what level of typhoon means that we cant go out.... but the weather hasn't been bad this week at all. A few thunderstorms, but mostly just really hot and sweaty. I have just come to the fact that I am going to be soaking wet for the rest of summer. Being sweaty doesn't even really bother me anymore, except when I get it dripping down my face... that is bothersome.
But it sounds like everyone is doing good over there and still having a good time together even though everyone got sick for a bit. I hope that it didn't last too long. I am just happy I wasn't there for that part. I have been really lucky to not get sick here yet. (knock on wood) Being sick would not be fun. You all went down to Arizona in July?! You are all crazy. It is way to hot to do such a thing.
Hong Kong is still doing great! I still love this city. It is super crazy. We have decided not to teach the grandma that we brought to church last Sunday. She really has ZERO interest in learning the gospel. We went over to visit her/ teach her and she wouldn't let us talk about anything that had to do with the gospel. She wouldn't even let us say a prayer. So..... we don't want to waste the Lords time.
But our other 2 investigators are doing really good! We have found out the real problem as to why Carolyn has not been progressing and gave Elizabeth a baptismal date for August 25th! Elizabeth came to church this last Sunday with her mom who was less active for a really long time. I am so excited for them! Carolyn almost made it to church.... she got up and got herself dressed only to then fall back asleep. I told her she needs to take some drugs to help her fall asleep at a decent hour so that she can wake up before 4 in the afternoon. She has been an investigator now since February. She has gone through 3 baptismal dates, but as not been able to get herself to church for a long long time so hasn't been able to keep any date. But she told us why she hasn't kept her date and I think that we will be able to help her truly prepare herself. I refuse to give her another date though, till she gets herself to church.
The week went by super fast. I can hardly remember all that happened....
Oh! Friday we went on exchanges, so I got to take Sister Tidwall with me into my area. She just came in this last transfer so she is really new. We had a really fun time together. She was just amazed at our area. Our area really city city. Lots of people, lots of buildings, lots of lights. We went to find some LA addresses to go and visit them in the evening. The addresses were in an area of the city I didnt know to well. We usually dont go over in that area because there are to many people and it is hard to get them to stop and feel the spirit. But anyway... it was dark and I have my map book out and think that I know where to go. We were waiting at a stop light when this man comes up to us and says, "Dont go that way! Dangerous! Pit Pockets! Go this way! More people!" This is really weird to me. Ever since I have been in Hong Kong I have never ever felt in danger. The address we were looking for was right in the middle of that "Dangerous" area. Sister Tidwall and I started going down the street where there were more people then turned back into the "dangerous" area. I asked her how she felt about and she said not bad. I didnt feel bad about it either, so we just went. We found where we thought the right building was and hiked up 5 flights of stairs only to have them not answer the door. But we left them a flyer and a note and went back down the stairs. The area is kinda sketchy looking... it looks like is could be straight out of the movies. I have no doubt that there are all kinds of illegal things that go on there, but the Lord would have protected us if we ran into anything. :) But dont worry I still use my street smarts. I am not dumb. If something would have seemed dangerous I wouldnt have done it. So calm down mother.
I am still loving Hong Kong and being a missionary! Things are finally starting to pick up. Our ward is full of drama, kinda bothersome, but it is a good ward. Nothing is every boring that is for sure. We have a couple of families and alot of single people, like either just a mom or just a daughter... idk it is weird. but good. We have a good young womens and good young mens, an awesome relief society but not very many priesthood holders.
Ok! I love you all! Be safe in your travels! I sent a flash drive with Carol that has some video's on it.... I guess no of you are home though. Oh well. Maybe I will just mail it to you as a late birthday present. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!! AND GRANDMA ALDANA!!! I love and miss you!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy 4th to you all!

Sounds like you are all having a great time together! PAARRRTTTY! I am kinda sad that I missed it. The fireworks sound awesome, and I am glad that no one got hurt. 

We spent the fourth here finding ALL day. Our appointment with the possible new investigator cancelled, so we went finding all day. We tried to find some Less Actives as well but there was no success. We did meet Grandma Lai. We were trying to get into this apartment to go and knock on our of our LA's doors, but the guard made us call up first (I hate it when that happens cause no one ever answers or they just say no and we cant make them feel guilty by saying it to our faces.) . So no one answered. But then this grandma (pohpoh) came up to us and was like "Oh you are looking for church friends? I go to church! I think I have seen you there!" Sister choi and I just looked at each other like.... huh? Cause she did not look familiar to us at all. So we asked her which church she went to, but she didnt know the name. Anyway.... So we scheduled to meet with her the next day. The next day we went over to her house and she was extremely happy to let us in. She just kept saying how happy she was to have 2 lengleui (pretty girls) as her companion. But she is pretty much blind. So we get to know her. Turns out she goes to church, but also practices Buddhism in her house. She has a couple statues that she prays to sometimes. We start teaching her the Restoration and we bring up the great apostasy and she says "STOP! I cant hear anymore!" we were really surprised cause she was loving the lesson up till that point. She changed so fast, I thought I was just hearing things wrong for a while. But she would not let us continue onto Joseph Smith. We asked her what was wrong, and what happened, but she just kept saying how she couldnt tell us now, but she would tell us down at her church. It was so weird! I really felt like all of the sudden she acted as if someone was watching her that didnt want her to learn the most important part of our message. I honestly think it was that bloody Buddhist statue. It is evil. We told her we are not from the same church that she goes to, but we invited her to come to church. She was like Yeah sure why not! call me later. 

So we called her Saturday night and tried to tell her where to meet us and after a good 5 min of trying to explain we concluded that we would just go pick her up. So Sunday we went over to get her. Our Chapel is a good trains transfer away. She hadnt ridden the train in i dont even know how long. Old people dont leave their towns. But I bought her a ticket and held her hand the entire way. I hadnt realized how cut throat the trains are until I was trying to get a 70 something year old through a train ride. Trains are completely packed with people. They will just smush themselves into the train and wait for the doors to close. I think she was scared cause their were so many people and she thought she would lose us (hence the hand holding, even though it is freaking hot and sweaty). But we finally got to church just in time. We went into Relief Society and start shaking hands with everyone like usual and Lai pohpoh is right behind us shaking everyones hands and just loving all of the attention. The Relief Society loved her and Lai pohpoh was just so funny. During the first hymn Lai pohpoh turned to me and said "I am just so happy that you brought me here!" Which made me feel much better cause the entire train ride and walk to the church I just felt like I was taking advantage of a little old lady. So she loved church! Sister Choi and one of the members taught her after church while I taught one of the Recent Converts with another member. Sister Choi said that Lai pohpoh stopped her again during the great apostacy but they moved on anyway. Apparently Lai pohpoh is afraid of the spirit. She just wants to have fun. She really has no interest in learning the gospel. I am not quite so sure what we are going to do with her. But in the mean time we will find a member with a car to take her to church. 

We also found another LA named Brother Cheung who is 69 and Autistic. No one has visited him in a really really long time. He was smoking when we found him and Sister Choi told him flat out that he cant smoke anymore and took his cigarettes away. She was awesome. I couldnt understand a single word he said, but sister choi was awesome. We told him everytime he wants to smoke to eat an apple, so right after the visit we went and got him 2 large bags of apples. We went to visit him a couple days later and he hadnt smoked! We will probably go see him tonight to see how he is doing. 

Well I am glad that you are all having loads of fun together! Dont have to much fun with out me! Say hi to everyone and I love them!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Oh how I miss you all! It has been a long long week since our Pday is today instead of Monday. We got to go to the temple today and it was lovely. I love the temple so much. It was so relaxing. I feel so refreshed afterwards and ready to take on the Hong Kong people!
There has been so much that has happened, I wish I could just make a phone call instead of writing everything down... but alas... Christmas is 6 months away.
This week we got to meet Sister Lu (I changed her name, cause i think it would be better just in case anyone visits HK). It was really a miracle that we found her. Every night we usually call all of our investigators and then usually randomly select a few from our less active names. Sister Choi just happened to choose Sister Lu's name and sister Lu was willing to meet with us! She has been a less active for a really really long time. She was baptized when she was 16, went to church two Sunday's after her baptism and stopped going to church after that. She is now 46. She said the ward didnt even look for her, but she didnt have a cell phone then. She has had a really hard life. She got married young and had one child, then her husband started beating her so they got a divorce. A few years later she lived with her boyfriend and had two other kids together. One night she came home drunk and her boyfriend said I dont ever want to see you again and left her and the 3 kids. She was a single mom with no job or much education. She turned to selling her body and doing money scams. Recently she got all of her money stolen from some online scam. The police found out about her money fraud and she is going to prison sometime in the upcoming months. She opened up to us and told us everything about her life. (Not like I could understand all of it... but Sister Choi translated to me after...) Sister Lu had already met with the Bishop and is going through a rough repentance process. We asked if there was anything else we could do for her, but she said she just really wanted us to meet her son. So this last Sunday we went over to their house in the afternoon.
I had been fasting last Sunday, cause I REALLY wanted some investigators. We have been here a month now and still dont have any progressing investigators... so I thought I would try "waxing strong in prayer and fasting". I thought that the opportunity to meet Sister Lu's son would be awesome and maybe we could start teaching him. But when we went over and Sister Lu yelled for her son to come out, he came out angrily saying how he told her not to force him into anything and stormed out of the house. I was kinda sad... but I decided I would just focus on Sister Lu. Then while we were talking to her, Sister Lu's daughter Liz came out from the back room! She is also a non-member! Her mom had said that she goes to a different church down in Central called "The Fight", but Liz sat and talked with us and listened and participated in the lesson! And then said she would meet with us the next day at the chapel!!!! Liz is super awesome! She said that she wants to serve a mission... but I think she just wants to go abroad.... but dont worry... we will help her see what a mission is really about. :) The Lord answers prayers. He is kinda awesome. More like freakin awesome! He totally blessed us with the opportunity to meet Sister Lu and Liz. I will update you on how they do in the upcoming week. :)
Carolyn, the investigator that the Elders turned over to us, is kinda stuck at a standstill. She is no longer progressing. She already knows everything! This last lesson we talked about temple marriage and she informed us that if the temple doesnt allow dogs in she is not getting married in the temple. ..... yeah. In time I think she will change. She just needs to WAKE UP AND GET HER BUTT TO CHURCH!!! That seems to be a problem with alot of people I work with. In my last area and this area. Speaking of my last area... Remember Nicky, the girl we found who was drunk, I talked to the Sheung Shui sisters and it turns out she has a baptismal date! I cant remember when it is... but she has one! I am so excited for her!
Well I hope that everyone has a wonderful 4th of July! I will be here. Walking the streets of Hong Kong. I agree with Kelsie, people are much nicer when you just look like a lost tourist. But it is still all good! On the 4th we are meeting with Ms. Wong and her daughter Alex (who loves Jesus). Hopefully it will turn into something...
One of our members is going to Utah next week. Her name is Carol, she is one of the strongest people I think that I have ever met. But she said if i wanted to send something with her i could... So I might just send something. i will give her your email and number so she can get a hold of you. She is going to look for a house in American Fork. she is planning on moving her family over there in the upcoming months. I will let you know next week if I give her something.
But for now I love you all!


                                                         Us at the harbour

                       Our ward missionaries! (Me, Sister Choi, Elder Allen, and Elder Peterson)